Why Buy?
There are many pundits who predict the end of the newspaper industry and certainly, the evidence shows significant declines in both paid circulation and advertising revenue over the past eight years. If newspaper businesses are in fact going the way of the buggy whip, why would any sensible company seek to acquire these properties?
Our discussions with a number of active newspaper buyers indicate a consensus opinion that midsize and small newspapers in good quality markets have a stable and modestly growing revenue base. These buyers fully embrace the digital future and have developed management that can centralize and control expense where necessary without destroying the core news franchise.
The influential investor Warren Buffett, who in 2009 said that most newspapers have “the possibility of nearly unending losses” has more recently made a number of newspaper acquisitions. “There is not a substitute for a local newspaper that is doing its job,” Buffett stated last year. His influence on investment in various industries should be noted, and he is having a positive impact on investor/lender attitudes towards the newspaper industry.

Starting the Process
Interested in exploring investment possibilities? We assist buyers in evaluating and negotiating the purchase of publishing companies and include consultation on valuation, deal structure, and market analysis. We encourage you to confidentially contact any of our representatives today to discuss current opportunities in the newspaper industry. Let us put our experience to work for you.